I've been meaning to do a blog for Frugal Foodies for a long, long time. Fact is that blogging has scared me, and it wasn't until six months ago that I jumped into the blogging fray with the better-than-expected travel blog, www.djiboutiorbust.blogspot.com. And now it's time to start publishing something about the mostly tasty treats that are cooked in my home just about every Tuesday night.
For those of you who don't know about it, I run a quirky community cooking group on Tuesday nights called Frugal Foodies. Each week, 10-20 people come together to meet, eat, and be frugal, hence the url for this blog. While people come to Frugal Foodies for many reasons--and there are certainly lots of stories that could be told about the characters who walk through this door--this blog will be much more about the food itself, perhaps some notes about the making of said food, and then of course some of the recipes.
I started my travel blog not so much to share stories with readers but to help me remember the stories. Likewise, the motivation for starting this blog was to help me remember which dishes I really liked and those that I liked less. We've made close to 800 dishes at Frugal Foodies over the four plus years that this has been going on, and a lot of the recipes have started to blur for me. So this will be my tool for remembering which dishes I love and which I could do without, and at the same time a way for all of you who say "could you send me the recipes" from such and such a night to easily find them. Or at least that's my hope.
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